Board of Education


Board of Education Meetings Public Comment


PUBLIC COMMENT PROCEDURE: Public Comment pertaining to an Agenda item will happen at the beginning of that Agenda item and all other Public Comment will happen at the end of the meeting. If members of the public would like to comment about the upcoming agenda, please do so by Emailing with the information below by Noon on the day of the Board Meeting.

◈ Your Full Name and Email
◈ Agenda Item Number and Letter. If your topic is not specific to the agenda, please identify the subject of your comment.
(If you do not identify the Agenda item than your Public Comment will be placed at the end of the meeting)
Option 1: I wish to read the following comment in-person at the upcoming Board Meeting. Only 1 person may cede their time to a speaker and they must fill out a Public Comment form.
Option 2: I wish to read the following comment on Zoom during the meeting. Only 1 person may cede their time to a speaker and they must fill out a Public Comment form. (you will be sent the Zoom link prior to the meeting)
Option 3: I do not wish to speak but I would like my comment entered into the record (it will not be read aloud)
A maximum of three minutes is permitted. The Governing Board welcomes and appreciates public comments and input. However, Arizona's public meeting laws prohibit the Governing Board from discussing any item that does not appear on the agenda. Further, while members of the public may comment on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Governing Board, the Governing Board may not vote or otherwise act upon such matters unless the topic is properly placed on the agenda as an item for action.

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