Welcome to Exceptional Student Services
Franklin Phonetic Schools has made a commitment to provide an excellent education to all students. As parents and educators we know, each child is a unique learner with individual strengths and needs. Franklin Schools’ special education and support programs have been designed to allow students with disabilities to have the opportunity to develop into successful, caring, and knowledgeable members of our community.
Children who need extra help at school in order to learn may need special education services through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Identified students receive a free and appropriate education to meet their unique and individual needs. Franklin Phonetic Schools’ special education program provides specially designed instruction, at no costs to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. Special education is provided through a continuum of services which may include instruction in the general education classroom with supplementary aids and services, services integrated into the general education classroom, specialized instruction in a learning lab or pull-out setting, or facilitated instruction and services in an outside program or school to meet individual student need.
There are many steps that must be followed to decide whether a child’s educational needs require the assistance of special education. Checks and balances are built into each step, and a team approach is used to ensure that children who need special education will receive such services. If you have any questions about eligibility for special programs or would like more information, contact our school office or contact me for assistance.
Below are the links to our Special Education Policies and Procedures. If you would like your child tested or if you feel like your child needs accomodations then please contact us at cindyhonaker@fppspv.net (or 928.775.6747)

SPED Policies/Procedures
SPED Policies and Procedures Apendix A
SPED Policies and Procedures Table of Contents
SPED Policies and Procedures Handbook

- Contact Ms. Honaker:
- (928) 775.6747
- cindyhonaker@fppspv.net
The intent of Child Find under both federal and state requirements is to ensure that all children ages birth-21 years with delays or disabilities are identified, located and evaluated in order to receive needed early intervention supports or special education services. Public agencies responsible for providing these supports and services are obligated to actively search to “find” children who may be eligible and conduct an eligibility determination process that includes screening and evaluation according to state established criteria.
- Arizona Child Find Website
- AZ DES/AzEIP Website
- Children’s Information Center Website
- Raising Special Kids
- BreathMobile Asthma Assessment
- All school districts and charter schools are required to annually administer the nine-question State Performance Plan Indicator 8: Parent Involvement Survey to all parents of students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Your opinion is very important. Please tell us of your experiences with us – cindyhonaker@fppspv.net (or 928.775.6747).